Lexie's Accessories

This one is strictly for school. If you want to be cool, go to myspace. But for now, I'll be chillin in here.. doing my soph. english comp. (I actually am really excited about this).

Thursday, September 01, 2005

does one ever ponder, how you become a chancellor for a university like this?

Yeah, that's my title. My roommate, Rachel, and I were discussing this. But that's basically as far as we got. I suppose you have to be getting pretty old before you receive an achievement like this. That's why he deserves to be a member of the facebook, and a facebook friend of mine.

Anyway, now to introduce myself!
Lexie, 19, in a relationship, conservative
Interests: shiny things, stickers, icecream, fans, the sun, la luna, children, mi cocina, chic fil a, star gazing

Five things I can do:
*I can organize.
*I can play the 'cello well.
*I can bake delicious treats that are totally legal.
*I can tell you what episode of Full House is playing in the first 23 seconds of the showing.
*I can tell you how white I am just by dancing for you. (killer member of this club)

Five things I can't do:
*I can't give speeches without getting somewhat nervous.
*I can't roller blade without all my pads and helmet on.
*I can't make my bed; it's lofted too high.
*I can't swim any particular style except mermaid or doggie paddling.
*I can't use my printer; its still not completely hooked up to my computer. I just don't understand what cord goes with what.

Five Wildcards:
*I drink water like it's my job, and by choice.
*I drove my mom's old van around when my car broke down.
*I love winter clothes, but hate the cold weather.
*I dream the craziest/most real dreams in descriptive details. (if i start talking to you about something you have no idea about, just go with it, it must of happened in that deep sleep last night.)
*I want to teach early childhood special education in a deaf school.


At September 06, 2005 6:10 AM, Blogger Muse-ack_Man said...

I like the ' in front of cello. The cello rocks and so do you.


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