Lexie's Accessories

This one is strictly for school. If you want to be cool, go to myspace. But for now, I'll be chillin in here.. doing my soph. english comp. (I actually am really excited about this).

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

JAVA CHIP chocolaty chunks crashing into creamy coffee ice cream

Hello icecream lovers.
Hello coffee lovers.
And hellooooo chocolate lovers.

This goes out to yall:
Starbucks has recently come out with a FRESH ROASTED ICE CREAM. I'm not kidding. Don't tune me out coffee haters. I hate coffee too. Unless it's like hazelnut cream with a little coffee in it. Plus a lot of sugar. I LOVE this ice cream.
My mom first mentioned it this summer when she came back from North Carolina. She said her sister turned her on to it. I was just like "yeah, yeah" since I don't like coffee.
Okay, roll on like a month later. It's the last night I hung out with friends from home before coming back to TCU. My friend Danielle busted out this ice cream with a couple of spoons and I was like "no thanks". Then I tried it, out of curiousity. Oh my goodness, it was delicious!
I'm sitting here, typing my enrichment post, eating this delicious ice cream at 10 at night (probably not the best thing to be eating at the moment, but I'll go work out tomorrow). The paragraph on the side of the qt reads, "Oh boy, are you in for it now. In for a carton-full of ice cream so delightfully good, that it's just about impossible to put down. After all, where else are you going to find the amazing flavor..."
Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you. I guess you could call it my *ice cream* review. Go try it. I got mine at the local Albertson's that's right up there supporting TCU merchandise. Enjoy!!


At September 09, 2005 6:19 AM, Blogger Muse-ack_Man said...

That ice cream sounds amazing. Gonna have to check that out.


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