Lexie's Accessories

This one is strictly for school. If you want to be cool, go to myspace. But for now, I'll be chillin in here.. doing my soph. english comp. (I actually am really excited about this).

Sunday, September 25, 2005


I think Halloween is great. It's a fun time to eat candy, dress up in weird costumes, and trick-or-treat, no matter what age you are. Trick-or-treating shouldn't be limited to children. I believe, as long as you wear a totally rad costume, that you should be allowed to trick-or-treat. Besides, atleast in my neighborhood, the fad of trick-or-treating seems to be dying down, you know, not so many kids ring the doorbell anymore. So, to keep this tradition alive, we must all rid ourselves of the idea that trick-or-treating is for little kids.
On to my next point, dress up! This actually gives an excuse, besides a college theme party, to wear some absurd costume. You can get them online, at places like Party City, or even make one! Be creative! At SigEp's theme party last night, I got to be a mermaid. How freakin cool is that? It wasn't even halloween. But October 31st is a universal holiday for costumes. Now I am wondering what my boyfriend and I should be for halloween this year. You know, something cute that a couple would go as. I'm open to ideas!
Okay, another thing, CANDY GOES ON SALE! I just got back from Walgreen's; they have the biggest sale on halloweenie things i've seen so far. Target is also good for Halloween candy.
So, as you can see, I'm really excited. It's almost as good as christmas.

Monday, September 12, 2005

"September 11th, 2001, something serious happened and it wasn't any fun"

The quote comes from my junior year in high school. My english teacher had us form groups and do a presentation in memory of 9/11. The one year mark. My best friend, Kayse, and I made a rap. I wish I could remember the rest of it.
Yesterday was weird. I didn't see or hear much about the attack. To me, Katrina kind of took the spot light. But after all, four years ago, we were mourning victims of the Twin Towers and Pentagon. Presently, we care for victims of Katrina. Where will we be four years from now?
I don't understand Katrina the way I did 9/11. My dad was on a flight in to New York City the morning of the 11th. He missed his first flight, making him late to his meeting, located in the target zone. Half way through his flight, an attendant got on the PA system and said that there was a catastrophe that has occured in NYC and we will turn the plane around and land in DFW. I was really nervous. I went to school that morning and hadn't heard anything about my dad till lunch time. But my mom came up to school and pulled me out of class to update me. He was fine. My family was safe. My dad wouldn't talk about that day for a long time. I think it made him realize how close he could have been.
As I watch families torn apart on TV because of Katrina, I just see it. I mean, you see everything on TV and stuff like the horrible hurricane happens in movies. Not that this would be possible, but if I actually got to go to New Orleans and see the damage and hurt, I think I would understand it more. This morning, while working out, I watched an MTV News Report, Stories of Survival: After the Storm. It helped me see and learn more on my level. But I think it's amazing how much help efforts I have seen. In Tyler, Tx, over labor day weekend, I was bike riding with my cousins and saw little kids selling lemonade. They were giving the money they made to aide funds for the hurricane victims. They were four or five! And while I was babysitting last Saturday, these 8 year olds from down the street came by, explaining that they were walking dogs for money, and donating the money to Hurricane Katrina funds. I see all this help and I'm like, "damn", the USA really comes together in times of need.
Anyway, not that Katrina shouldn't overshadow 9/11, but I think we should remember our past. It's times of tragedy that the nation really pulls together.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

JAVA CHIP chocolaty chunks crashing into creamy coffee ice cream

Hello icecream lovers.
Hello coffee lovers.
And hellooooo chocolate lovers.

This goes out to yall:
Starbucks has recently come out with a FRESH ROASTED ICE CREAM. I'm not kidding. Don't tune me out coffee haters. I hate coffee too. Unless it's like hazelnut cream with a little coffee in it. Plus a lot of sugar. I LOVE this ice cream.
My mom first mentioned it this summer when she came back from North Carolina. She said her sister turned her on to it. I was just like "yeah, yeah" since I don't like coffee.
Okay, roll on like a month later. It's the last night I hung out with friends from home before coming back to TCU. My friend Danielle busted out this ice cream with a couple of spoons and I was like "no thanks". Then I tried it, out of curiousity. Oh my goodness, it was delicious!
I'm sitting here, typing my enrichment post, eating this delicious ice cream at 10 at night (probably not the best thing to be eating at the moment, but I'll go work out tomorrow). The paragraph on the side of the qt reads, "Oh boy, are you in for it now. In for a carton-full of ice cream so delightfully good, that it's just about impossible to put down. After all, where else are you going to find the amazing flavor..."
Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you. I guess you could call it my *ice cream* review. Go try it. I got mine at the local Albertson's that's right up there supporting TCU merchandise. Enjoy!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

I used to want to have twins.

I'm a nanny for 3 adorable little girls, India, Eliza, and Lillie. India and Eliza are twins, 3 1/2 years old, and Lillie is their baby sister, 1 1/2 years old. I used to want to have a set of twins later on in life (after i get married and start a family.. you know, all that jazz). After watching these girls in actions, I no longer have that desire!
Eliza was born first. She's passive and is always giggling. Shes got gorgeous green eyes with lil brown stars in them. I love it when she tells me how happy she is.
India is a nut but I'm in love with her. She talks about random stuff; this past Tuesday I was over there and she wanted me to take her to get married. I asked who she would marry.. she said me. I told her she should marry the little boy Alexander from down the street. (Alexander is also a twin with Amelia. They're the same age as I and E. Except they have cool nicknames: Mia & Ozzy). She said he couldn't play because he loves Eliza. I always wonder about children's reasoning. India was 2nd of the twins, and Sue, their mama, says Eliza was born first because India just booted her outta there. She's just got that kinda personality, ready to go.
Lillie is the sweetest baby I have ever taken care of. She's so little for her age. This past March, I went on a trip with their family and Lillie started walking. She took her first steps to me, i was so happy.
I love watching them grow, and they grow up so fast at their ages! All 3 girls speak Spanish and English; their other nannies are hispanic and don't speak any english. I think its wonderful that they're bilingual at such a young age. I remember my Nana wanting to teach me Italian when I was little, but my mom said no, it would just confuse me. I guess at that time, the facts hadn't come out yet about how learning a foreign language at a young age was incredibly easy. So Lillie calls her sippy-cups, "agua". Even if there is "leche" in it. India asks me to kiss her "boca" every night when I tuck her in. And Eliza, well, she always apologizes in spanish. "Lo Siento Lesss(always drags out my nickname), Lo siento."
I'm so attached to those girls, I miss them when they're not around. But this is what I call a good dose of birth control.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

does one ever ponder, how you become a chancellor for a university like this?

Yeah, that's my title. My roommate, Rachel, and I were discussing this. But that's basically as far as we got. I suppose you have to be getting pretty old before you receive an achievement like this. That's why he deserves to be a member of the facebook, and a facebook friend of mine.

Anyway, now to introduce myself!
Lexie, 19, in a relationship, conservative
Interests: shiny things, stickers, icecream, fans, the sun, la luna, children, mi cocina, chic fil a, star gazing

Five things I can do:
*I can organize.
*I can play the 'cello well.
*I can bake delicious treats that are totally legal.
*I can tell you what episode of Full House is playing in the first 23 seconds of the showing.
*I can tell you how white I am just by dancing for you. (killer member of this club)

Five things I can't do:
*I can't give speeches without getting somewhat nervous.
*I can't roller blade without all my pads and helmet on.
*I can't make my bed; it's lofted too high.
*I can't swim any particular style except mermaid or doggie paddling.
*I can't use my printer; its still not completely hooked up to my computer. I just don't understand what cord goes with what.

Five Wildcards:
*I drink water like it's my job, and by choice.
*I drove my mom's old van around when my car broke down.
*I love winter clothes, but hate the cold weather.
*I dream the craziest/most real dreams in descriptive details. (if i start talking to you about something you have no idea about, just go with it, it must of happened in that deep sleep last night.)
*I want to teach early childhood special education in a deaf school.